BOTIME (autore e parë)
- Doktoratura: “Efektet psikosociale të një sëmundjeje kërcënuese për jetën tek përkujdesësit e pacientëve me kancer”. Universiteti i Tiranës (2013).
- Duci, V. (2016). “Evaluation of Social Work Curricula Analysis”, UNICEF in Albania and IPOS,;
- Duci, V. dhe Tahsini, I. (2016). Regional Study on the “Prevalence of Street Children Phenomenon in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia”,;
- Duci, V. and Dhembo E. (2016). “Social protection standards in Albania from association and stabilization to EU candidate status: is there a race-to-the-bottom?” IDM in Albania, Friedriech – Ebert – Stiftung Institute Office in Tirana.
- Duci, V. (2015). Psychosocial wellbeing of caregivers of persons with cancer in Albania. Anglisticum, (4):1.;
- Duci et al. (2015). Facing the challenges of inclusive education in Albania. UNICEF Albania and ISOP,
- Duci, V. and Ajdini, J. (2014). Quality of life in a cancer caregivers sample in Albania. Albanian Medical Journal, 3.
- Duci V. and Dhembo E. (2013). A Social Policy Approach to Quality of Life: The Case Of Cancer Caregivers In Albania. Journal for European Issues EVRODIJALOG(Списание за европски прашања ЕВРОДИЈАЛОГ), issue: 18 / 2013, pages: 219-231,
- Duci et al. (2008 – ongoing). Civics Education (7th, 8th, 9th, 10th grade), School Textbooks. Co – author
BOTIME (bashkautore)
- Burnette, D., Duci, V. and Dhembo, E. (2016). Psychological distress, social support, and quality of life among cancer caregivers in Albania. Psycho – oncology, (impact factor 2.443) Journal of psychological, social and behavioural dimensions of cancer, DOI: 10.1002/pon.4081
- Tahsini, I. dhe Duci, V. (2016). Children’s perceptions of their safety.
- Vathi, Z. and Duci, V. (2015). Making other dreams: the impact of migration on the psychosocial wellbeing of Albanian origin children and young people upon their families’ return to Albania. Childhood, Sage publications (5-Year Impact Factor:1.179)
- Vathi, Z., Duci, V dhe Dhembo, E. (2016). “Homeland (dis)integration: educational experience, children and return migration to Albania”, International Migration (Impact Factor: 0.679), DOI: 10.1111/imig.12230,
- Tahsini, I., Duci, V. dhe Ajdini, J. (2008). Within Childhood. Training Manual, World Vision Albania (hard copy publication)